

Aurora Apps Open-Source Software. Inspired by you. Built for the community.


Aurora Apps are made with design as the key aspect, all of our apps provide unique and clean, fresh-looking UI. We follow all the design guidelines even if those who made guidelines don't. :P


Aurora Apps respect every user's privacy and does not collect any sort of personal data. None of our apps include any telemetry services or ads, we believe in transparent framework.

Open Source

All apps made by Aurora OSS are released under GNU General Public License (GPLv.3.0). What we do behind the beautiful UI is not hidden, feel free to audit our code anyday, anytime. We are open to suggestions and pull requests are always welcome!


Aurora Apps provide a variety of customizations, so that users can tweak the app to meet their aesthetic needs. Auto switch between Light & Dark (& Black) themes to make sure all nightowls don't get blinded.